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12/10/03 - We ant found sh*t -Space Balls
Still looking for a way to host all of our files so for the mean time the JediMoves exclusive downloads will be down for a bit longer. we are looking into advertaing to pay for the cost of hosting, we have also ported a couple more maps from JK2 just go check out our maps page to see what we will release as soon as this file hosting gets solved.

The Dewback and the N-1 Starfighter have also been released and can be found on our vehicle model page, thanks Moonsidetide and Duncan.

12/4/03 - New Map is almost done
We have converted a new map and have put it up on our maps page but..... it is still not downloadable yet, we still need to find a file server. tit should be ready very soon.

12/2/03 - needs your help
Hello everyone, today we have removed our downloads temporarily and replaced them with links to were you can find them. the ones that don't have a link are the models that we have converted to work with JKA. we removed the downloads due to bandwidth issues, we will try to find a better priced server that offers more bandwidth, If you have an available server or bandwidth that we can use, or know of a good priced server let us know thank you.

12/1/03 - Calling all JKA Coders!
Duncan_10158 is on a mission to make he's Droideka model and to eliminate the vehicle limit. here is his proposal.

yeah, its time to come back to this. I have still to do the skins and make a usable version of a deflector shield. now with the JA sdk released we can make the droideka work the way it should. is there a coder who could help me to code a new vehicle class for the droideka? if you are a coder or now somebody who could help me, contact me.

what we need to make the vehicle class to work like:
1. make to use other or all animations finish the hole sequence. now a vehicles animation is interrupted trough a new command, it should be possible to code it so an animation have to be finished before a new one can be executed. this to show the hole stand-to-role animation before it can role. same with standing up.
2. make the droideka not be able to shoot while in rolling mode. that's its weakness.
3. make the deflector shield be active in standing mode and not active in rolling mode. visually I already did this, but we need it be in the code. the droideka should have some shield points to protect it when standing and those points shouldn't be taken into account when taking damage in rolling mode.
4. make the droideka turning when standing. also it should be possible to set some bones of the model to follow the crosshair like it works on the ATSTs guns. this would be cool for vertical and horizontal aiming.
5. make all sounds be usable, so we can use completely new once.

it would be cool if we could set the vehicle up so it works with and without the mod, modelers can then use the vehicle in their maps and can decide if they will use the mod and make their maps a mod or a simple map with a not that correctly working droideka.

last but nearly most important, if we could figure out how to rise or eliminate the vehicle number limit. this has priority, as long as there is this limit the players out there will not really use vehicles, cause its too much work to keep an eye on their own vehicle number or they even don't know about that.

with new vehicle classes, we can make some really cool vehicle models now. I got some already on my project plan

So anyone that can help. contact Duncan at this forum or email him here.

11/30/03 - This post has good KHaRMa
KHaRMa has been making incredible models, A Trade Federation Fighter and this Geonosian Fighter. Let me say this guy is a fast worker! you can follow the progress of this model on this forum.
We have also just completed converting another JK2 map to JKA, it is the Tusken Camp map made by none other then me, Rodja (seks) download it here.

11/29/03 - 2 for the price of 1
Maddog has done it again, he has released a new tutorial on how to edit and create custom sounds for your models, you can find it on our How-To page.
We have also Converted an amazing map from JK2 to JKA.... The Kamino platform were Obi Wan fought Jango Fett you can download it on our maps page

11/27/03 - Now Vehicles and an old jedi - Happy Thanksgiving !
We have added 3 new vehicles and a Jedi to our models page, The Jedi is Plo Koon, at first I wasn't going to place him on the models page because there's already PloKoon like characters in the game kind of like the Tuskin and Chewbacca models, but then I realized that there were nothing like PloKoon so right to our models page he went. Sorry for not placing him earliar.

11/23/03 - More Have join the Movement II
Today we have added 8 new clans to our site, one of them being from the new country of Poland. There's also an updated screenshot of the Endor Siege map being made by NoKill check it out on our Request page, along with that Nokill has two request to help improve the feel of his map also see those on the the request page along with three new requested vehicles (animals) and a new idea for another siege Map.

11/19/03 - Big Rearrangement
I spent all night from 7:30pm - 5:30am re-organizing the models page for you guys.... see how much I love you guys :) (Thank god for LOTR extended version). We have also made some other additions such as some more request and WIP updates. so have fun look around and let me know what you think.

11/17/03 - Another Day
Small update for today, we have added two new models, Kit Fisto and the Ithorian alien. and thats it for today. we will be working on some new things soon. 

11/13/03 - First Maps
2 Maps have been added to our map page they have been bundled with the necessary textures to be run in JKA. We have also revamped our How-To page and have a ModView tutorial by Maddog so go check it out and let us know what you think.
You can also submit your tutorial to us to be displayed on our site. Just include a link to your tutorial and your name and we'll do the rest.

11/11/03 - And some more!
We release 8 more models today, the last that we have until some new models are released, we have also added 6 new clans to our list include Denmark with its first clan submission.

11/6/03 - Here come some more
7 new models have been added to the Models page with more still to come. Some other updates are that we have added 3 new map request and Redcell has given us an update of his Endor siege map, so you mappers looking for some ideas go and check them out.

11/5/03 - Now With the Easy to Install Models
We have been working on converting all our previous models from JK2 to JKA so that the taunts work. We have also made it much easier to install the models you download by making them an .exe file that do all the hard work for you (even works with those new models that have 2 sound files for both JK2 and JKA). We Have release a couple today and will be releasing the rest in the next couple of days. All the new models can be downloaded on our models page.

We have also restored the Request page so that it now includes vehicles. Red cell has taken on the task of making the Endor Siege map you can view the WIP picture on our request page

10/27/03 - More Clans
Today we have a small update. We have restored our How-to page with 4 tutorials including how to fix that taunt problem with JK2 models. We have also added 5 new clans to the ranks.

10/27/03 - New Models
A couple of days ago AOTC:TC have finished some great models. We have posted them and have there taunts on display. Nice work AOTC:TC keep them coming.

10/23/03 - System Melt down! was down for a while, looks like our hosting site f**ked up and reseted our site to 8/22/03. the closest date of backup was 10/16/03 so we lost some information on some clans so some might be misplaced. The vehicle request section has to be rebuilt along with the new How-to page that went up a couple of days ago. So I will be spending the next day or two trying to recover what was lost.
Kevin Coyle has been working on an Anakin model, you can see the sample on our request page.

10/16/03 - New Tunez
As you can hear we have added a new sound to the site. I wanted to give it a new feel. We have also added a new file to our file page that was suggested be C008. its not new but is a must have if you want to multitask.

10/14/03 - More Alias have joined
6 New clans have been added today and we have readjusted the world map so now you are able to see were in the world clans are located instead of just looking for locations blindly.

10/13/03 - Give us the tools and we will Build it!
JKA Map tools have been released today, we can finally start getting in some JKA maps. you can get the file here. We also have a new FOTW. I was tired of the standard JKA start up screen. and since I haven't found any out there I decided to make one last night, plus I have made an easy .exe file that will do the install for you all you have to do is click next.

10/10/03 - Attack of the Movies Part II.
It has continued. We have updated the stances page, it now includes the video clips for the Dual saber stance (Blue & Yellow). We hope to have the Double saber out with in the next couple of weeks as we have with this one, and as you can see we have stopped the JK2 site because it is to much for one guy to take care of.

10/8/03 - Console Update
The Console page has been updated and now displays Maps and available cheats. Will will be working on Server based commands and client based commands in the future.

10/7/03 - More Have join the Movement
We have added more clans today. we will also bee adding a cheats section on the console page soon so stay tuned. And as you can see to the left there's a cake for our friends over at they turned 6 today. "happy b-day guys and wish you many more" Hope were around that long

10/6/03 - New Console Page
The Console page has been updated and now displays images of the spawnable characters and vehicles. the maps pictures are coming soon.

10/2/03 - Moving our Mail Box
We have decided to move our email address down the street to hotmail ( since it will be easier to check. We have also added a maps list to our files page and have added some new clans too.

10/1/03 - We Want More!
The Request page has been updated with something special today..... a map! yap we do maps too, so if there are any good mappers out there that want to take the challenge let us know so we can keep the community updated. We have also added a new NPC spawn list available for download so go ahead and check out our files page.

9/30/03 - Attack of the Movies.
It has begun. We have updated the stances page, it now includes the video clips for the single saber stance (Blue, Yellow, Red). We hope to have the dual sabers out with in the next couple of weeks. We have also added six new clans and are in the works of making a "Clans Badge" that will be given to clans that have been listed.

9/25/03 - FOTW is here!
The first FOTW has been added today, thanks to Steve Siadak from (Jedi) for submitting a JKA console command list We have also added some new clans to our clans page again.
Yesterday I was looking around and came across a teaser trailer of the new Clone Wars mini series from Cartoon Network. Cant what till November to watch this.
We are still working on the Stances page and hope to have it out in the next couple of days.

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9/22/03 - Latest Updates
We have added some Models to the models section that are 100% compatible with JKA. basically the taunts works, We have tested all available models and maps from JK2 to see which ones worked right. the models all seemed to work except for their taunts but almost all the maps had problems with missing textures. Hopefully someone will convert these maps soon.
We have also added three new clans. And if you haven't seen it by now I don't know what the hell your looking at but we have added a Server of the day and are in the works of getting a good command sheet for the console, thanks to (Jedi)Obi-JK (Steve Siadak)

9/18/03 - Problem solved
I have remade the master clan world map and can now add new clans from new countries. We are currently working on the Stances page and should have it out soon.

9/18/03 - First Updates
We have added some clans to our new clan lists and have updated the request page with three new request to modelers and a new link to a JediKnight site but unfortunately we ran into some problems. We were unable to add all of the clans submitted because the master file (.fla) was lost when my 4th hard drive developed bad sectors so I will have to remake it before adding new clans that countries are not listed.

9/17/03 - JKA has arrived.
The game that has made this all possible has been released. you should know this, well we will be up dating the site with the many clan submission that have came in along with file of the week and server of the day so stay tuned.

8/26/03 - New Features
Today we have added Norway to the clan page along with a audio player in the upper right corner, you have probably noticed it already, there will be more audio tracks soon. We have also found a place for the S.O.T.D. (Server of the day) this will be updated as soon as there are JA server running.

8/25/03 - Clan Page Update.
Today I have finished the clan page. it is now ready to accept submission of JA clans. We have made it international based since we have submission from around the world. click here to go to the clans page.

We have also encoded the new Jedi Academy 2nd trailer to a smaller and easy to you to view it, hopefully you haven't tried to get it at Gamespot, what a waste of time!, if you like to see a larger version click here

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8/23/03 - Official Site News.
The Jedi Academy site has revamped there site for the upcoming release. Its looks really nice and it looks like they barrowed a page from in posting  flash videos of the available moves. looks great and takes the load off my back plus gives us something to hold us over until the release date. thanks Dev's :)

8/10/03 - Beta Leak.
Well it was bound to happen, some one has released the beta to the public! no I don't have it so don't ask, but I here that it has three levels and has the full character creation. some say it is just like JK2 but with lot better moves, you no longer have to have someone in front of you to do special moves anymore, people say that there's a lot of kick moves (I can see the cheaters now).
Hopefully they will release some level/character editing tool with the full release.

,,x, (o > o ) ,x,,  lets cross our fingers. Only 36 more days until we can buy the game :)

7/29/03 - Welcome
Welcome to the new JediMoves:JediAcademy Website that will continue the tradition of the original and bring you Star Wars based gaming, great tips, request page and much more. and thank you for visiting.

7/29/03 - Box image and release date have been revealed.
The release date has been announced as September 16th. The Box cover has also been released and we have a picture of it click here to see an enlarged picture of it. So we just have to wait 49 more days until we can play this game.

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